That Cruz kid messed with the wrong group of students. He has ignited an uprising. And let me tell you - I am all for it. To watch these kids - or should I say, young adults, rise up and make their voices heard is truly inspiring and gives me real hope for the future.
As the parent of children who aren't yet old enough to be in grade school, it gives me anxiety to think about the fact that my husband and I are going to have to talk to them about guns and what to do if there is a shooting. When I was going into grade school, my parents would talk about not taking candy from strangers or never go home with someone you don't know that says "your mom told me to pick you up." Things like that. Not once did we talk about how to protect yourself from a spray of bullets.
I was a junior in high school when Columbine happened. We had police officers at the school, news crews interviewing us for reactions and lots of announcements and conversations from teachers. But it was seen as such an anomaly that it didn't really phase anyone or really change any behavior.
The national gun debate is tricky. Mainly because the NRA has one of the biggest lobbying arms on Capitol Hill. Because of that, I have never invested too much in all the post-shooting calls for change, because nothing happens. It's all rhetoric that fades until the next shooting happens when it becomes top of mind again. Wash, rinse, repeat.
But this time, it's different. I've been watching the various social media platforms and it is truly an uprising. These students have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They not only are a voice for themselves and other survivors, but for parents, teachers, and anyone else that has been affected by what's happened in the past but has yet to see change that will protect our children. They are smart. They are articulate. They have the power to actually make that change happen.
These kids are coming full force, ready for a fight and they are not going to back down. Don't believe me? Take a look at the Twitter accounts of Emma Gonzalez, @Emma4Change, David Hogg, @DavidHogg and Cameron Kasky, @cameron_kasky. It's amazing what they are doing and how quickly they started taking action. They are calling out politicians. They are getting students around the country pre-registered to vote. They are laughing at anyone and everyone that doesn't believe in them. There is an entire army behind them. And I do mean an ARMY. And yet, at the same time all of this happening, they are grieving the loss of friends and heroes.
I'm beyond impressed with the passion and relentlessness of these kids. If I were an elected official and not pushing for change, I would be real nervous about the future. Could it be the proverbial swamp is about to get drained?! I'll go ahead and put money down for that front row seat.
I'm excited to see what comes next. I'm excited to see such passion and engagement. I'm excited to see change that will go down in history. These are the future leaders of America.
Today's theme song: I won't back down (Tom Petty)
Today's Pandora station: Tom Petty Radio
Today's Pandora station: Tom Petty Radio
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