I'm annoyed with the Girl Scouts

Let's be honest, after Christmas and New Years, the days seem to drag and there isn't a whole lot happening until Memorial Day. Yes we have silly things like Valentine's Day, St. Pattys - "holidays" that I could care less about.  It's cold, dark and we all just long for warm days and look forward to summer.  But, there's one bright shining moment in the winter that makes life a little bit better: Girl Scout cookies. They finally get delivered - usually right when Lent starts, which seems to be some sort of cruel joke, but I love it because I get to enjoy one of the few sweet treats I actually like.  We all have our favorites. Mine are Tagalogs. 

Here's my beef.  First, the boxes got smaller (and more expensive). Then, the number of cookies started dwindling. There seems to be more plastic than there are cookies. But this year is the worst. The cookies themselves have gotten thinner.  The reason the Tagalogs are so good (in my opinion) is the peanut butter. Somehow, they now look like a thin mint!  I actually wish I had a thin mint to compare the size. It's ridiculous. And I'm pissed.

Don't get me wrong, I am still going to eat them and I'll probably buy more because I get addicted to them and will plow through a box in single sitting. BUT I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. 

I get it. You just want the money. But pretty soon you'll be selling a box of paper thin cookies, with only maybe 5 of them in a box, and they will cost $20/box. Am I right or am I right?

So can we please just go back to a normal count. A normal size. And focus more on quality versus ripping off the average, run-of-the-mill girl scout cookie lover?! 

Theme song of the day: We're not gonna take it
Today's Pandora station: 80s Reloaded

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