Please excuse the mess. We live here.
Words that not only are on display as you walk into our home, but really the theme of my life - one big crazy, chaotic, adventurous and exhausting mess!
I like to say I'm a mom of four - two boys, a dog and a husband. Any mom surrounded by the same amount of testosterone as I, will understand. Finding sanity is at premium these days, so why not share it with others!
My two boys, Jake and Shane, are three and a half years apart in age. They are also exact carbon copies of my husband, Chris. They look nothing like me. In looking at baby pictures, it's actually hard to tell who's who.
My dog, Charlie, is a pure bred Rottweiler, who is incredibly sweet and yet, protective. Don't believe what you hear about Rottweilers until you actually meet one. They really are amazing creatures.
My husband, Chris, and I were married in 2011. He somehow manages to put up with my madness so he's pretty special.
And then there's me. I'm just your average, run-of-the-mill woman, trying to navigate this crazy mess I call life. Outside of work, I spend my time refilling juice cups, handing out snacks, dodging toys on the floor, negotiating bedtimes, wiping snotty noses, picking up dog poop, changing diapers, cleaning up toys and emptying an amazing amount of crap from the Roomba. I also drink a lot of wine and watch the most ridiculous reality shows after the kids go to bed.
So thanks for visiting! Hopefully you'll not only find some entertainment in what you read, but perhaps some helpful hints along the way.