I have to say, Jake is a great kid. He's polite, he's funny, he's got incredible OCD and he's ridiculously smart. The best part? He still has that little kid giggle and when he gets going, there's no better sound in the world. He's social and is friends with everyone at school. He's super helpful and enjoys doing things for others. He also has a big heart and loves spending time with family (his posse as we like to call it).
Most of you are probably saying - of course you would say those things, he's your kid. And you're right, he is and I'll always brag on him. BUT, these are things that other people tell me. I'd like to think Chris and I get some sort of credit for raising such a young gentleman.
Now, he's not perfect. He's still learning how to be a big brother and isn't quite ready to be friends with Shane yet, but we're seeing small signs of progress these days. He's also a giant grouch when we have to wake him up. If there's one thing I hate doing is having to wake him up from a nap. It is the WORST experience. He has missed countless parties or social events because I refuse to go through the cycle of crankiness, tears, fussiness and ultimately the fevers that follow from lack of sleep. I've learned that this kid needs his beauty sleep. You mess with that and you are begging for trouble.
Jake's favorite things right now include Lightning McQueen (and the King, which he says is his favorite), Mario Kart and Yoshi, anything that has to do with cars and trucks, and running around with Charlie. He loves apple juice, waffles and quesadillas. And every Friday, we do "Pizza, Blue Slurpee" night. He likes his shoes big and his pants soft and comfy (he literally wears sweatpants every day). He still loves trains, airplanes and watches Top Wing every night before bed.
As I like to tell him, he's my favorite Jake!
Today's theme song: Roll with changes
Today's Pandora station: REO Speedwagon Radio
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