I don't believe in the flu shot. There, I said it. I don't. What is the point of a shot that not only does NOT prevent the flu, but actually gives you a higher change of getting it? Unless they can come up with a flu shot vaccine that actually prevents it, I'll take my chances.
BUT, when it comes to my kids, I'm all about the flu shot. In fact, I'm all about ANY kind of shot that will keep my kids healthy. But seriously, how did the flu "epidemic" get so bad this year? There are schools shutting down in hopes it will prevent more cases. That is insane to me.
The boys' daycare has been dealing with RSV and the stomach bug. I, myself, was hit with that stupid stomach bug right before Christmas. Thankfully, it was just me and no one else in my house.
Here's what really drives me crazy. Parents send their sick kids to school ALL. THE. TIME. I can't stand it. When Jake looks like he's not 100%, I keep him home. I would rather him stay home and be sure he's healthy, than risk him getting really sick and worse, spreading it around the school. I wish other parents would do the same.
Case and point - this past week I kept Jake home because I knew he wasn't 100%. He had a slight fever of 99.1, which Tylenol quickly addressed, but I insisted he stay home with me. I'm so damn nervous about the flu, I didn't want to take any chances. Turns out - he has an ear infection (which is whole 'nother story itself). The sad thing is, I was beyond happy it was just an ear infection. That's an easy thing to fix and in a couple days he will be good as new.
Jake will get his flu shot in a couple weeks when he has his 4-year check up. Shane just got the booster for the flu, so he's good to go.
So parents, please do me a favor - keep your kids home if you think they might be sick. And tell your other parent friends. It's driving me crazy!
Today's pandora station: Country Pop Radio