Caps Playoffs: Here we go again

If you're a long-time Caps fan like myself, the playoffs bring excitement, energy and the hope that maybe, just MAYBE we may see a Stanley Cup in Washington. But the reality is, the chances are slim. Not because we don't have a good team. Not because we don't have veterans. Not because I'm a nay-sayer. It's just hard to believe that this year feels different than any other.

Little background: I've been going to Caps games since I could walk - back when they played at the Caps Center in Landover, MD.  Back when there were crazy fights both on the ice and sometimes in the stands.  I grew up being a fan of Kevin Hatcher, Scott Stevenson, Dino Ciccarelli, Dale Hunter, Al Ifrate, Peter Bondra, Michael Pivonka, and of the course, the great Rod Langway (to name a few).  My dad used to take me to the local malls for autograph signings. In fact, I think we went to three different malls between Maryland and Virginia one night so I could meet as many players as possible.

In 1998, my dad and I sat three rows from the ice to see the Caps beat Buffalo to win the Easter Conference championship and advance to the Stanley Cup playoffs.  We had the same seats for Game 6, which never happened because the Caps were swept by Detroit (the team that was stacked with guys like Izerman and Federov). 

Fast forward to the Rock the Red era (which has been one of THE best marketing campaigns by the way) which has been filled with amazing talent and renewed hope that the Stanley Cup will soon be in Washington.  But such has not been the case.  There has definitely been progress, but with it, comes just as much frustration.  We can finally make it past the first round - but not without going seven games.  We win the close games - but every game seems to be a close game. Why can't we win in 4? Why can't we win 3-0 instead of 3-2?  Why can't we do something different?  (yes, I know I'm saying "we" like I'm on the team).

I was listening to TJ Oshie this morning on DC101 (EITM) and Elliot asked him if he does anything different when it's playoff time.  He said other than get more rest, all the routines are the same.  I thought - maybe you SHOULD do something different? Maybe you should have a different routine.
Maybe you need a change in order to play stronger, better, faster?

Here's a great advantage - Pittsburgh and Philly will beat each other up in the first round. But in order to make that worthwhile, we need to NOT play seven games in round one. We need those extra days off.  I also think we need something different to happen. When Pittsburgh goes into playoff hockey, they play with a different style and a different swagger. Maybe that just comes with knowing they can win a Cup, because they have so many times before.  I don't know what it is, but the Caps don't have it.

We also have this unsettling goalie issue to deal with.  Grubauer or Holtby?  Not to say that one is better than the other, but I imagine it's difficult to prepare for games when you aren't even sure who the coach will pick. How do you build confidence?

I think Columbus is a good first-round test. But I would really like to see a five-game series. I would LOVE to see a four-game sweep, but we aren't that kind of team.  I would love to see the team play with the same finesse during the regular season.  I want to see something different.

I think the most frustrating thing about being a Caps fan is that we have an amazing team, not to mention the greatest player in the NHL. Whether we win or lose those 82 games in the regular season, they are always incredible to watch. You just never know what you are going to see.  And then we get to the playoffs and all that hard work just goes right down the toilet. It suddenly means nothing.

I honestly don't know what the answer is, but I'm pretty sure I know what the end looks like.  I will still faithfully watch every playoff game. I will still jump up and down and high-five my husband every time we score. I will still sit on pins and needles until the buzzer sounds at 0:00.  I will still Rock the Red on game day.  But unless something is truly different, the outcome will be the same.

But for now, I'm all in.  Rock the Red. Let's go CAPS.